
The Old Testament Pseudepigrapha, Volume 1 is unavailable, but you can change that!

Western culture has been shaped largely by the Bible. In attempting to understand the Scriptures, scholars of the last three hundred years have intensively studied both these sacred texts and other related ancient writings. A cursory examination reveals that their authors depended on other sources, some of which are lost and some of which have recently come to light. Part of these extant sources...

bones there would be darkness and gloom in the whole land and a great plaguea on the Egyptians, so that even with a lamp no one could recognize his brother. 9 1 And the sons of Simeon uttered lamentations for their father. 2 And they were in Egypt until the day of their departure by the hand of Moses. 1 1 A copy of the words of Levi: the things that he decreed to his sons concerning all they were to do, and the things that would happen to them until
Volume 1, Page 788